what is colour mirrors?
colour mirrors is a system that will make your life more colourful, abundant and fun, using the psychology of colour to help you reach your full potential;
we help you see yourself more clearly in the mirror of colour and once you have acknowledged your own power and beauty, everything else will fall into place so that you can live a life of abundant joy;
each colour choice you make is a mirror and your personal colour choice will shine back to you the potential you hold;
if you are feeling stuck, blocked or going round in circles, the colours that choose you can help you to clear negative patterning and move into living your life fully en-light-ened in joy in the now.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” ~ C.G. JUNG
each colour choice you make is a mirror
your personal colour choice will shine back to you the potential you hold, reminding you of your talents, gifts, personal power and the truth of the light that you are;
at the same time your choices will reflect specific patterns of behaviour that could be sub-consciously sabotaging love, health, happiness and abundance in your life;
working with the colours will help shift and clear these self sabotaging programs.
"As you live deeper in the heart, the mirror gets clearer and cleaner" ~ Rumi
how to use colour bottles
the stunning colour bottles and sprays are all made from plants and flower extracts, infused with crystal, energies;
each has a specific and unique frequency and vibration;
to enjoy the benefit of the energy frequencies, the best thing is to have an indulgent soak in the bath;
the skin is the largest organ and will absorb the energy frequencies into your system to help clear any blocks and negative programming;
or you could just enjoy having the beautiful colours around you, resonating gradually with you;
the sprays are designed to spray into your palms, which are chakra points; breathe in the essence and then sweep over your head and energy field.