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What is Colour?

Helen Williams

Updated: Feb 24, 2021

Colour is the seen wavelength of the division of reflected light. And everything is light. And each individuals perception of that light is different.

Colour is a way that we describe an object based on the way that it reflects or emits light.

Your eye can see different colours because the retina is sensitive to different wavelengths of light, which hit objects and are reflected from their surfaces.

The colours we see, such as the three primary colours, red, blue, and yellow, depend on how these light waves are reflected.

In general color is caused by the absorption of certain wavelengths of light by a substance.

Humans are what is called "trichromats," meaning our retinas have three different kinds of cells that can receive color. Those cells are called cones. Rods work more with dimmer light and peripheral vision.

We will all see colours differently - and so there is no wrong way when selecting the colour bottles. It is your perception that is true for you.

Colour blind or even blind people have no filters like we have so a colour session can be very powerful for them as they are tuning into the energy and vibration of the colours.

This is also why - choosing 'blind' can be more effective because we get out of the way of our brain and into our higher intuitive self and go with our feeling - our heart and gut.

Colour is emotive and can affect our soul moment by moment with us barely being aware of it.

"Let me, Oh let me bathe my soul in colours, let me swallow the sunset and drink the rainbow." ~ Kalhil Gibran

Colour is used everywhere in all ways in our world in nature and society. It makes a statement, creates ambience and provokes emotional responses. It is used to warn, to hide /camourflage and to comfort, seduce or attract. It is in nature and the natural world, animals and wildlife, in fashion, interior design, business, marketing and design, everyday life, and in healthcare and therapy.

Different colours have different meanings and significance in the various cultures around the world. Native American Indians used to wear the same colour for a month at a time to clear a particular energy frequency.

"Do not ask what love can make or do. Look at the colours of the world." ~ Rumi


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